Built Environment

What is the Built Environment?

The built environment refers to the human-made infrastructure we create in our communities to live, work, and play. This undoubtedly impacts our environment and our communities, exposing many inequities that historically exist in urban planning and land use, transit, and the commercial sector.  

One of Virginia’s largest sources of emissions comes from our built environment. In Virginia, business operations account for over 65% of our greenhouse gas emissions, whether through transportation, manufacturing, or building energy use. 

Additionally, building efficiency and electrification are essential climate strategies. Other infrastructure, such as municipal gas utilities will require local action to decarbonize. Recognizing how local policies impact our emissions, C3 strives to bring local schools, businesses, neighbors, and local governments together to create a healthy built environment. 

VA business operations are one of the largest contributors to the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, yet Virginia-based businesses do not always have the resources to take action. C3 works with businesses of all sizes through consultation services and our Green Business Alliance to facilitate meaningful climate commitments that directly reduce emissions in C3 communities. 

How We Shape the Built Environment

How cities and transportation systems are built will determine whether or not we can achieve carbon neutrality. Density, housing affordability, and green space are key components of a livable and sustainable community. Planning for transit systems, EV charging infrastructure, sidewalks, and bike lanes all happens at the local level.

Zoning and Land Use  

An image of land near mountains,

Local boards and commissions still hold authority over much of our energy infrastructure development. Things like solar installations can only proceed with local approval. Fossil fuel infrastructure like municipal gas utilities, energy efficiency incentives and programs, electrification, and more are all connected to our local government. 

Electrification & Energy Infrastructure

An image of a group of people standing outside inn the middle of solar panels.

Energy Resource Hub

Find energy-saving opportunities

The Energy Resource Hub connects homeowners, renters, and businesses in the City of Charlottesville and Albemarle County with government rebates and incentives. We find ways to lower the cost of heat pumps, insulation, electric appliances, and other energy efficiency upgrades.


Review C3’s resources and tools to learn more about how our built environment impacts our local climate.


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